Wednesday, November 27, 2019
7 Common Homonymic Spelling Errors
7 Common Homonymic Spelling Errors 7 Common Homonymic Spelling Errors 7 Common Homonymic Spelling Errors By Mark Nichol Homonyms are words that sound like, but are spelled differently and have different meanings. Some of the most commonly confused pairs of words are illustrated in the following examples: 1. â€Å"The color complimented her unusual skin tone.†Unless the color was personified and therefore had the power of speech as well as discernment, it complemented, or enhanced by association, the hue of the person’s skin. Both the noun and verb forms of complement derive form the Latin word for â€Å"completion.†Compliment has the same root, but it refers to courtesy. 2. â€Å"He assured them he would be discrete about the matter.†This error pops up frequently in personals ads (or ahem so I’ve been told) in which correspondents advertise their desire for a â€Å"discrete relationship.†Discrete and discreet have the same meaning, â€Å"separate, or distinct,†but divergent connotations. A discrete relationship wouldn’t be very satisfying, because discrete implies a categorical separation. Discreet, on the other hand, refers to secretive or surreptitious behavior no long walks on the beach. 3. â€Å"Despite the real estate boom, he hasn’t joined his ex-patriots in the feeding frenzy.†People who reside in a country other than the one of their birth are not necessarily there because they are no longer devoted to their own nation, though that is one meaning of the word in question. But patriotism doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with it. Such a person is an expatriate. The root word, patria, refers generally to one’s native country, not specifically to love for it. 4. â€Å"The teacher suddenly found herself overcome by a hoard of children.†We may treasure children, but we don’t refer to a â€Å"treasure of children,†and hoard means â€Å"treasure.†(It’s from Old English and is related to the word for â€Å"hide.†) The writer meant to write horde, which connotes a throng, a mob, or a rabble. Horde derives from the Turkic word orda or ordu, which refers to the abode of a khan, a word for â€Å"monarch†or â€Å"chieftain.†The English term describes both a nomadic group and a specific political entity of nomads, and more recent usage has adopted the term as a synonym for crowd or the other meanings listed above. 5. â€Å"Carefully turning the pages, she poured over the document.†Poured what over the document? That was careless of her. She would have saved herself some cleaning up if she had pored over the document instead. Pore means to intently gaze, read, or study and, in the sense of a wide-eyed attention, is perhaps akin to the noun pore, which means â€Å"passage†or â€Å"opening.†6. â€Å"The principle issue at stake is whether it is ever acceptable to lie.†The definition of principle derives from the Latin word for â€Å"beginning†; a principle is an establishing or defining concept. But the issue in question here is the primary one or, as the writer intended to convey, the principal one. (The head of a school, by the way, was originally the principal, or first, teacher.) 7. â€Å"The motorist was sited for reckless driving.†Well, a police officer certainly sighted the reckless driving, but sited is a synonym for located. After the sighting, the officer issued a citation, and the driver was therefore cited. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Religious Terms You Should Know60 Synonyms for â€Å"Trip†A "Diploma" is not a "Degree"
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Dr John McLoughlin essays
Dr John McLoughlin essays John McLoughlin was one of the most influential figures of the fur trade and settlement periods of Pacific Northwest history. Chief Factor of the Columbia District of the British Hudson's Bay Company, he reigned as a benevolent autocrat, befriended Americans, and eventually became an American citizen at Oregon City. He was born in Quebec in 1784 and trained as a physician near Montreal. He became a physician and traveled to the Northwest region in 1824 as a representative of the Hudson Bay Company. Here he occupied the position of Chief Factor from 1825, when the regional headquarters of the company was moved from old Fort Astoria to Fort Vancouver, until his retirement in 1845. During his reign as Chief Factor, Dr. John McLoughlin directed the operations of the fur trade in all the country west of the Rocky Mountains and north of the California line, as well as the more localized activities of agriculture, livestock raising, sawmilling, flour milling, dairying, and salmon fishing. From 1825 to 1843, when the provisional government was first established by the settlers in the Willamette Valley, he was the undisputed governor of the vast area bounded by the Rocky Mountains on the east, Mexican territory (California) on the south, the Pacific Ocean on the west and the Dr. John McLoughlin exercised control over the Indians of the region, welcomed and provisioned missionaries and settlers, encouraged schools and church instruction and for a number of years was the only medical practitioner in the region. His contributions to the development of the Northwest region in general and the Oregon country in particular make him truly deserving of the title by which he is often referred to, Father of the Oregon In 1857, the man who had ruled an empire two and a half times the size of Texas, died broken and bitter. He was 75 at the time. Five years later, in an act o ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Treatments for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Research Paper - 1
Treatments for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus - Research Paper Example Diabetes is, at the moment, ranked as the 6th leading cause of death in the United States (Rubino et al 1). In many other states, it ranks far much higher due to their deprived status of dealing with the illness. The financial turmoil, in 2007 alone, went beyond US$ 174 billion. Oral hypoglycemic and diet modification have proven inadequate, while insulin therapy simply solves the matter temporarily. In the United States Prospective Diabetes Study, people with diabetes were treated with insulin, diet modification, sulfonylurea and metformin (Sloan 194). At one with the progressive trait of diabetes, monotherapy was deserted in 75 percent of the diabetic patients assessed in a follow-up of 10 years. Even with the new-fangled pharmaco-therapies, diabetic patients still develop micro- and macro-vascular effects. Diabetes is connected to increased stroke- and cardiac-related deaths, blindness and kidney failure, as well as 69% of the non-trauma lower-limb amputations (Sloan 194). In card iac surgery, the illness as a preoperative risk element confers much better morbidity than a previous myocardial infarction. Whereas this numbers indicate to us that this disease will be a global health concern of the next generation, its actual pathophysiology is yet to be defined. Alternative treatments targeting diverse models of this disease need vigilant and responsible assessment. A tremendous body of proof now showcases that surgery for type 1 diabetes can achieve complete illness remission, an objective almost unprecedented in recent diabetes care (Perry 22; Montenero 98; Fox 1550). Data gathered over many years of surgery showcases the success and durability of diabetes management gained after the surgery. Metabolic surgery is, at the moment, emerging as a field devoted to the development of surgical processes, particularly intended to treat diabetes. However, what about non-surgical treatment? Type 1 is treated non-surgically with insulin replacement – normally
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Child Abuse and maltreatment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Child Abuse and maltreatment - Assignment Example This article will address child abuse that is encountered by preschool children. There are colossal type of child abuse at this age but the common ones are, physical, emotional, neglect and sexual. The physical abuse incorporates all the aspects of physical harm like slapping, caning or beating a child as well as any physical punishment that is inappropriate to the Childs age. Child neglect is when a caregiver or the parent fails to provide for the child basic needs like clothing’s, shelter, food and supervision. Emotional abuse involves humiliating, name-calling, telling a child worthless he is among others. Sexual abuse includes sexual activity with a child, and it is sad to note that it usually done by a person the child trust. Some cultural health practices may be misidentified as maltreatment. For example, giving a child herbal medication to treat disease rather than the conventional medicine (Johnson, 2004). The earlier a child abuse is identified, the better for the Childs recovery. Warning signs include extremely passive child, tantrum throwing, unexplained physical injuries, being afraid to go home, filthy clothing and trouble in walking in sexually abused children. Reporting a child abuse case involves calling the local police, documenting everything that the witness saw, having the child evaluated at child assessment centre, investigation launch into the allegation, getting an attorney and call children justice office for further assistance (Asnes & Leventhal, 2010). Asnes, A. G., & Leventhal, J. M. (2010). Managing child abuse: general principles. Pediatrics in Review / American Academy of Pediatrics, 31, 47–55. Johnson, C. F. (2004). Child sexual abuse.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
A Woman’s Place and a Man’s Duty Essay Example for Free
A Woman’s Place and a Man’s Duty Essay The author Maria Del Carmen Triana explains the vast difference between the wage income gap over the years between men and women, and how it plays an important role in today’s competitive society. Gender income gaps have become a hot debate topic for many. Gender income gaps can affect a marriage and family as well as cause friction in the work place. Sexual discrimination also plays an important role in Gender income gaps as well. In most Corporate and White Collar jobs, stereotypes and wage earner status have an effect on men and women. Triana explains what she calls â€Å"home related spillover discrimination†which is, women being primary wage earners in households. Triana also goes on to explain that a major wage difference between men and women could be a new form of sexual discrimination. Because this is one of the first studies showing stereotyping roles, it can only be an assumption. According to Triana, research in the work place are being penalized thru wage earning for gender role playing. (Dipboye 1985; Heilman 1983). Triana Proposes that the idea of what feminine and masculine behavior in the work place should be can actually work against the female primary wage earner. She feels that this gender behavior could influence people to â€Å"under- award†the female to keep them from succeeding too far ahead of their husbands. Gender Deviance and Household Work In this article about Gender Roles, Daniel Schneider reports that couples spending a substantial amount on housework such as repairs around the house, shopping, cooking and cleaning could be defined as â€Å"Gender Work.†Housework was once referred to as a â€Å"Woman’s job.†Studies show that men are stepping into the position to help in the home and watch the children while the mother fulfills her job requirements in Corporate America. The author claims that â€Å"predictions†have been focusing on wives that earn more than their husbands, which stereotype the bread winner as normality. The author refers to this as â€Å"Gender Deviance.†According to his research, married couples have been known to neutralize the gender deviance by dividing the work load at home. An example of this would be: men washing dishes, folding cloths cooking and cleaning, while providing less income and women working long hours at work to provide the majority of the income for the family. Schneider also argues that what men and women do in the job market may very well affect household work and hours. Schneider goes on to state that men who work in occupations stereotyped to be feminine could be seen as a form of gender deviance as well. Schneider uses data gathered from the National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH2) to conduct his research. He goes on to explain that gender deviance is the†product of social doings of some sort,†and that if women did not gender themselves some actions would not make any sense. Over a period of time women have reduced the amount of time spent on housework and increased social activities with the kids to help balance of a parent being absent from school events. Studies also show an increase in the men actively participating in parent/teacher conferences and after school practices while the women are in the work force. References Schneider D. Gender deviance and household work: the role of occupation. American Journal of Sociology, January 2012; 117(4) (p. 1029-1072.) Triana C. del M. (2011). A womans place and a mans duty: how gender role incongruence in ones family life can result in home-related spillover discrimination at work. Journal of Business and Psychology, 26(1), (p. 71-86.)
Friday, November 15, 2019
know what i hate :: essays research papers
You know what I hate happens? ( FUCKING EMBARRISSING MOMENTS ) ( Its like when your waiting for the Phone ) One Day after eating a hefty late lunch you sit around the house waiting for the phone to ring, this girl was supposed to come over to your house later, When out of no where came the impending inexplicable urge to take a big ass shit. Thinking it over you know you cant afford to miss the phone call, but also when you got to take a shit you got to take a shit. So taking a shit it is. Your on the toilet doing your business, you guess your about half way through when the phone begins to ring. Well your working on a big clunker right there and you didn’t have any time to wipe your ass, You run to the phone as quick as you can in the state your in. You finally finish the phone call and you put the phone down, she said she would be here in 5 minutes and Your like Werd, pimping it. Then you turn around and you see a trail of tiny wet spots of brown SHIT everywhere. You only have 5 minutes to clean it up. Trying to wipe it and get it out of the carpet, it spreads. The bell rings and y ou get dressed as soon as you can, your ass still remains un-wiped. She enters the house, she sees the stains on the floor and asks what it is, You say its chocolate ice cream, You try to steer her away but you know you couldn’t show your ass to her incase the shit stain outline appears on your pants, she bends over to smell and examine the stain on the floor.... she smells it, she gets an idea of what it is, and you try to steer her away, she tells you to come look at it closer, by then you have no choice, you bend over, she sees the shit stain outlines on your pants and her idea that those might be shit stains on the ground are confirmed........... The Date Is Over ( Its like Before You go into the hot tub ) Well The other day before hitting the road to a long drive to vacation I decided to leave on a full stomach so I wouldn’t be hungry on the journey there.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Mckinsey Accounting and Engineering Advisors Essay
The firm was founded in 1926 by university of Chicago professor, James (â€Å"Mac†) McKinsey, it was called â€Å"accounting and engineering advisors†. Mac started recruiting experienced executives and training them in the integrated approach he called his General Survey outline. In Saturday morning sessions he would lead consultants through an undeviating sequence of analysis – goals, strategy, policies, organisation, facilities, procedures and personnel – while still encouraging them to synthesize data and think for themselves. McKinsey’s mission was to help clients make positive, lasting, and substantial improvements in their performance and to build a great firm that is able to attract, develop, excite, and retain exceptional people. Bower’s vision of the firm was: â€Å"one focused on issues of importance and top-level management, adhering to the highest standards of integrity, professional ethics, and technical excellence, able to attract and develop young men of outstanding qualifications, and committed to continually raising its stature and influence. Above all, it was to be a firm dedicated to the mission of serving its clients superbly well. Bower also articulated a policy that every assignment should bring the firm something more than revenue – experience or prestige for example. Bower and his colleagues believed that well-trained, highly intelligent generalists could quickly grasp the issue, and through disciplined analysis find its solution. The firm grew extraordinarily domestically in the 1950’s which provided a basis for international expansion that accelerated the rate of growth in the 1960’s. Offices opened in London, Geneva, Amsterdam, Dà ¼sseldorf and Paris. McKinsey was now a well established and highly respected presence in Europe and North America. To Gupta the task of knowledge development had become much more complex over the past decade or so due to three intersecting forces: †¢ In an increasingly information and knowledge driven age, the sheer volume and rate of change of new knowledge made the task much more complex †¢ Clients expectations of and need for leading edge expertise were constantly increasing †¢ The firm’s own success had made it much more difficult to link and leverage the knowledge and expertise represented by 3800 consultants in 69 offices worldwide. Gupta believed that knowledge is the lifeblood of McKinsey. How does knowledge create value for McKinsey and Company? Creating value for a firm means performing activities that increase the value of goods or services to consumers. McKinsey does this by trying not only to ‘serve its clients but also to develop its consultants’. Bower and his colleagues believed that well-trained, highly intelligent generalists could quickly grasp the issue, and through disciplined analysis find its solution. Because of the use of knowledge management one of McKinsey’s clients managing director reflected on a certain outcome that â€Å"their value added was in their access to knowledge, the intellectual rigor they bring, and their ability to build understanding and consensus among a diverse management group.†In 1980 when Gluck joined the central small group that comprised the firm office he proposed that â€Å"knowledge development had to be central, not a peripheral firm activity; that it needed to be ongoing and institutionalised, not temporary and project based; and that it had to be the responsibility of everyone, not just a few†. Gluck was trying to build a shared body of knowledge throughout the firm. Even though doing this may be costly Gluck was hoping the benefits would outweigh the expenses. Knowledge had created value for McKinsey and Company through that its client’s impact studies indicated that the new knowledge structure led to a longer-term focus on deeper understanding of issues. McKinsey and Company’s use of knowledge throughout the firm helped build long lasting client relationships. Gupta believed that knowledge was the core factor in being successful in the long run. Knowledge is a fundamental value for the McKinsey and Company. Even though focusing on developing knowledge throughout the firm may lead to less client work Gupta argued that it was still worth it and would increase value for the firm in the long term. Critically evaluate the company’s soft knowledge management strategy. I.e people. Soft knowledge management is â€Å"less quantifiable and cannot be captured codified and stored easily†(Kidd, 1994; Skyrme, 1998) Tacit knowledge is an example of soft knowledge. Tacit knowledge â€Å"cannot be easily communicated and shared, is highly personal, deep rooted in action and in an individual’s involvement within a specific context. It is commonly referred to as ‘the knowledge in people’s heads†. â€Å"Soft knowledge becomes accepted by virtue of informal authority and consensus within the group.†(Hildreth, Wright and Kimble, 2005). Gluck felt that there was a need to adjust the firm’s knowledge development focus. He believed that â€Å"knowledge is only valuable when it is between the ears of consultants and applied to clients problems.†Knowledge is less effectively developed through the disciplined work a few than through the spontaneous interaction of many. He changed the more structured â€Å"discover-codify-disseminate†model to an â€Å"engage-explore-apply-share†approach. Which is, a more loose approach. Even though McKinsey had adopted hard knowledge approaches, it still relied heavily on soft knowledge components, such as personal networks, old practices like cross-office transfers and strong ‘one firm’ norms like helping other consultants when they called. Unlike the hard knowledge approach the transfer of knowledge with the soft approach is not through databases and ‘Knowledge Resource Directory’s†it is a more informal method. It is when the older staff of the firm helps and teaches the new comers by sharing their experience an d knowledge.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Political Decentralization and the Local Government System
The final tier of elected government is the district (Gila) council. The district council insisted of all the (directly elected) union council Nazism in the district. The head of district council, the district Nazism and district naif-Nazism are indirectly elected. Another aspect of representation in Devolution Plan is the creation of Citizen Community Boards (CBS) in both rural and urban areas. The CBS were expected to initiate and manage their own development projects, with 25 percent of the district development funds set aside for their use.They are Voluntary organizations' formed by citizens themselves. Source: (Schema, Jaws, & Qatar, 2005) 3. 3 Characteristics of Current Local Government System . Restructuring of Government Pakistan. †(Abaft & Hussy, 2010). Schema, 2005 discussed that the elected government and provincial administration have been integrated at the district and Thesis levels, the division abolished altogether and the local level provincial administration h as been made accountable to elected officials at the local level.Moreover, majority of public services that were previously under the provincial government have been transferred to local government increasing their scope and responsibilities. B. Provincial to Local Decentralization with No Federal Decentralization The other side of he picture is, all the authority and power which have been distributed in local governments came from provincial government, no power transferred from federal government to either provincial or local governments. C.Integration of Rural and Urban In pre-devolution period, there was a sharp distinction between rural and urban governments. But in post-devolution, it is no longer there as the administrative unit is union council which includes several towns and villages. D. Electoral Process Prior to devolution, members of urban local councils and district councils were directly elected and then they elected their heads of respective councils. Under the devol ution, both the members and heads of the lowest level of government, the union council, are elected through public vote as before.But the new legislation has created inter-governmental linkages by ensuring that the majority (two-thirds) of the members of the Thesis and district councils are these elected heads. However, within the devolved departments, â€Å"not all functions were devolved and certain activities remain within the provincial purvey. †(Schema, Jaws, & Qatar, 2005). A closer look at these changes and differences has been provided below. 3. 4 Changes under Political Decentralization Schema (2005) discussed in detail the changes brought in by devolution of power plan.These are the changes in level of decision making, administration, accountability and fiscal resources available. While this paper only covers changes in level of decision making and accountability of representative governments as focusing on political decentralization. A. Change in Decision Making L evel Before devolution, provincial government was more powerful and took all the decisions. But devolution plan distributed this power of decision making among local elected governments. For example, a service may have been under purvey of rabbinical elected government but after devolution it is transferred to local elected government.One thing to be noted is that this involves change in level of decision level of decision making power can be different depending upon the scale of service. Schema (2005) described the level changes in many different categories as under: a. Province to province b. Province to district c. Province to Thesis/Town d. Urban/ Rural Local Council to Thesis e. Urban/ Rural Local Council to District b. Change in Accountability Devolution also changed the decision maker's accountability keeping the decision making power on the same level.These are the changes where decision of a particular service is now made by the agent who differs in his accountability to pu blic. Prior to devolution, provincial bureaucracy was accountable to their non- elected provincial secretariat, while under the new system they are accountable to the elected heads of district and Thesis governments. For example, decision of some service might be taken at district level by bureaucrats before devolution, while decision are still made on the district level but by the elected district representative. So accountability of that service is now closer to the voters who elected their preventatives.The most significant accountability change is that the De facto head of district administration under the previous system, the deputy commissioner (DC), used to report to the non-elected provincial bureaucracy, whereas in the present system the head of the district administration, the District Coordination Officer (DOC) reports to the elected district Nazism. Schema 2005 summarized the discussion stating â€Å"the ultimate decision maker changed from a provincial government distr ict officer who reported to the provincial bureaucracy, to an elected Nazism who ultimately is answerable to his district's constituents. 3. 5 Analysis Critics on Current Local Government System and POLO 2001 Devolution plan is a revolutionary step in the history of decentralization in Pakistan but the structure of system of representation created a number of problems also (Abaft & Hussy, 2010). Direct election in a particular constituency limited the attention of union Nazism to union specific development schemes and they did not pay attention to their role as Thesis and District council members.This resulted in holistic and fragmented union council level projects rather than district or Thesis bevel. The structure of the electoral system also caused reverse campaigning; instead of directly elected union councilors campaigning for elections, there are cases of union Nazism campaigning for their respective union councilors. This secures the future re-election of union Nazism if the union councilor of his choice gets elected as Nazism are to be selected later indirectly (Hessian, 2008).Since political parties had been bypassed and caste-based candidates were now pitted against each other, the elections reinforced traditional hostilities at the local level. To a large extent, â€Å"such a yester of patronage and hostility defeated the opportunities for rural areas to participate in decision making and to demand better services from the state†(Abaft & Hussy, 2010). Another major problem with the system of representation that was promulgated through the Devolution plan was the lack of checks and balances between and across elected bodies.The accountability of district Nazism is almost council headed by naif-Nazism rarely goes counter to Nazism. The most important issue facing elected bodies was the clash of interests with representative provincial governments. The Devolution plan of 2000 had been prepared without consultation with stakeholders particularly provinces, at the time national and provincial assemblies had been dissolved. When these assemblies were revived, local tier had been added according to devolution plan.On that time there was no political ownership of newly created local governments which led provincial governments to interfere in both policy making and implementation at the district level (Abaft & Hussy, 2010). Citizen Community Boards (CBS) were a great way for the representation in local government, but they became functional to a certain degree, to quite in the way envisioned in the Devolution plan. Usually â€Å"CBS have become splinter groups lobbying for small investment projects and often captured by local elites or contractors looking for project funding†(Abaft & Hussy, 2010) 4.To characterize decentralization in the country â€Å"all these components (political, fiscal and administrative) must complement each other to produce more responsive local governments that will deliver effective, efficien t and sustainable services and maintain fiscal discipline†(Never, 2001). Never provided a set of questions for each component of decentralization in order to assess the level of decentralization. Considering the scope to this paper only political decentralization is being assessed in context of Pakistan using the indicators given by Never.With the descriptive answers, every situation has been given marks out of 10 ('10' is best/strong yes while ‘O' is worst/strong No) in relevance to the description. 1 . Are governments elected? Yes generally governments are elected as long as military take over and dissolved in the ill situation of law and order and bad governance. 10) 2. Are there multi-party elections? Yes elections are multi-party; there are a number of small medium and large, old and new political parties which participate in general elections. (10) 3. Are ballots cast secretly in government elections?According to constitution, ballots are and should be cast secret ly in all the areas. Exception prevails at some electoral stations which are under a high influence of some political parties but such areas are very few in number. (08) 4. Are elections held at regular intervals? 2008-13 is the first time in history of Pakistan when elected National government employed its 5-years tenure and elections were held after exact five years that is in May 2013. Before this, military has been taking over in the situation of bad governance and ill law and order. (03) 5.Are elections free and fair? There has been a big question mark on the fairness of elections as there are a few old political parties which have been controlling the country politics for a long time. Moreover, every party has its area of influence in which it can use its power and influence people and sometimes elections also. (05) 6. Is the head of local government elected directly, indirectly or appointed? According to electoral process defined by the Devolution plan which has been discusse d earlier, head of local at keeping a check on local corruption?In real practice, civil society has no power to keep check and balance on local elected representatives. They are Just elected locally but they are not in control of or accountable to the general public as envisioned in the Devolution Plan. (00) 5. The Devolution of Power Plan which has been promulgated through Local Government Ordinance 2001 is a revolutionary step in the history of decentralization in Pakistan. Mustard introduced a number of reforms which helped in reducing the AP between state and civil society.All the powers distributed to the newly created lower tiers came through provincial government without distributing the powers of federal government. Provincial governments which used to be very powerful tier become less authoritative as local tiers were directly connected with the center. Initially local governments were given constitutional protection of six years against any kind of amendments but later som e political powers, which got affected by the direct linkage of local government with center, made amendments to recover some of the lost powers.The reverse campaigning because of structure of government affects fairness of electoral process as Nazism campaigns for their own union councilors to secure their future elections rather than union councilors campaigning for the elections. This promotes sense of self benefits among the union councilors and the interests of community are ignored. Though the Devolution plan transferred powers to local tiers and empowered local communities at very bottom level but still there are some issues which hinder the efficiency of plan and limited the benefits to the citizens of Pakistan.The assessment of political decentralization in Pakistan on the basis of Never indicators shows that political system is well decentralized at least on the policy documents but in real practice issues of transparency and accountability exist. There are still some gaps in the real practice as civil society is still lacking the actual power to keep checks and balances on the representatives. 6. RECOMMENDATIONS All the powers and authority distributed at local level has been taken from province while center keeps all the authority and decision making power as it is including sisal authorities.There should be distribution of powers of center as well in order to develop a balance between center-province and province-district relation. In real practice, plan has not work up to the mark because of absence of transparency in the system particularly in financial matters. There should be complete transparent system which allows common public to look into the country's on-going matters. Voters should have power to keep check and balance on the decisions made by their representatives as they are the one who elected them through electoral process.
Friday, November 8, 2019
20 Topics for an Anxiety Disorder Case Study
20 Topics for an Anxiety Disorder Case Study When a student has to write an anxiety disorder case study, he or she should not only find a proper case but also be aware of the topic and everything that concerns the matter. That’s why such academic assignment is quite difficult and challenging. 20 Topics for You to Choose A student has to choose a good topic and base it on some concrete case study. For example, one can write about post-traumatic stress disorder in general and then proceed to a particular case study. Here are 20 sample topics for a case study research. Many People Suffer from Insomnia. Do All of Them Have Anxiety Disorder or Do Sleeping Problems Signify Something Else? How not Acquire Anxiety Disorders When You Are a Lonely Woman about 35? When Is It Time to Worry: How to Recognize First Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder in Children and Adults? Can Hormonal Imbalance and Bad Immune System Cause an Anxiety Disorder Case? Treating an Anxiety Disorder Case: What to Do if the Dream Doesn’t Come True Can Physical Exercising Help a Person Get Rid of Anxiety Disorders? What Mobile Apps Can Help to Treat Anxiety Disorders? Medicines with Natural Ingredients vs. Drugs with Artificial Components: What Remedy to Choose to Treat Anxiety Disorders Pros and Cons of Group Therapy for the Treatment of Anxiety Disorder Cases Do Animals Suffer Anxiety Disorders and Do They Become Dangerous because of That? Advantages and Disadvantages of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Treatment of Anxiety Disorder Cases The Role of Social Media in Anxiety Disorder Progress (cyberbullying, false friends, â€Å"a gallery play†, fake relationships and love affairs, etc.) Five Major Reasons for Anxiety Disorders in Children: Family Problems, Inability of Self-Realization, Drug Dependence, Stress, and Genetics Can a Person Suffer from Anxiety Disorders and Be Successful? Treating an Anxiety Disorder Case: Is It Possible to â€Å"Kill†Genetics and Give Birth to a Healthy Child? How to Manage Anxiety Disorders If You Live in the Third-World Country? What Are the Reasons for Social Anxiety Disorder and How Can People Fulfill Themselves when Having It? Why Do People with High IQ Often Suffer from Anxiety Disorders? Do Elite Athletes Risk Getting Anxiety Disorders after Their Failure or Retire? Pros and Cons of Practicing Mindfulness by Patients with Anxiety Disorders General investigation on the topic allows getting information about the issue, and concrete case study lets a person check the theory based on some examples. Mind to use appropriate facts to support each of these topics. The Sample: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Case Study Post-traumatic stress disorder occurs when people overcome some situation that had caused both mental and physical injury. Almost seventy percent of adults have experienced post-traumatic stress disorder in some way in the United States of America. That’s approximately 224 million people. Women are more likely to develop this particular disorder. The reason for PTSD can be different. Some people get into an automobile crash, a number of individuals survive after assaults committed by animals and people, some persons are injured at war and during military service, and some people overcome natural disasters. These reasons are considered to be serious ones. There are other events which can lead to PTSD. For example, a person can go for a walk and get scared by the sudden appearance of the barking dog. The dog cannot even touch a person but the person will be afraid of other dogs. Why? When a human being sees something unexpected one can either become paralyzed or think of possible outcomes of the situation. In the first case, shock awakes nightmares and recalls to negative information about dog’s bites which a person has heard of or seen somewhere. Due to that, this person may get PTSD that will follow his or her till the last breath. The object of the study is a man over 40 who used to be a military man. He became a disabled veteran and had to come back home. In addition to his traumas and after-war rehabilitation, he realized that he had acquired post-traumatic stress disorder. It’s a common problem of people who have been engaged in the military service. Military men follow certain rules and get commands. They are sure that their partner will protect his back and vice versa. Everybody trusts everyone there because that’s how they live and serve. When such people come back home, they realize that they cannot trust anybody. By the way, they have to deal with other serious problems. They don’t feel safe anywhere. Consequently, they try to isolate and avoid places inhabited by a great number of people. The vet (the object of the research) turned to have such problems as well. He had to rent a house in the wood far away from the town. He owned a 20-acre farm with lots of birds and geese which were his private guards. He didn’t trust anyone, including his own family. He woke up at night, took a rifle and went around his house to check if everything was alright. His family and friends thought that he would get over that. They couldn’t understand him and that was the main problem. He had only one friend who also was a disabled vet and who did really understand his state of mind. Soon, he started suffering from headaches, insomnia, muscle stiffness, paranoia, suicidal thoughts, and anxiety. His after-war life became his daily burden. In addition, he had a two-year-old son and a wife. He felt desperate because he didn’t know how to protect them. That’s why he decided to visit his physician. After some medical tests, he was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. He took some medicines (Clonazepam, Cogentin, Florinal, Levothyroxine, Haldol, and Chlorpromazine) to cope with headaches, insomnia, anxiety, and muscle spasms. He had also to visit his psychiatrist and communicate with other disabled veterans who had already treated or at least delayed the symptoms of PTSD. Such rehabilitation and course of medical treatment helped him to sleep better and feel less worried. He also managed to give up taking the drugs but it had not changed his attitude towards people (he still doesn’t trust them). References: PTSD United. PTSD Statistics. FQ Facts. Case Study 2. A. Bystritsky(2013). Current Diagnosis and Treatment of Anxiety Disorders. MAYO CLINIC. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). MAYO CLINIC. Post-traumatic stress: How can you help your loved one? National Institute of Mental Health. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Nemesis in Greek Mythology
Nemesis in Greek Mythology Definition Nemesis is the goddess of divine retribution who punishes excessive pride, undeserved happiness, and the absence of moderation. Nemesis Rhamnusia was honored with a sanctuary at Rhamnus in Attica from the 5th Century; thus, Nemesis is a cult goddess, but she is also a personification of the Greek noun nemesis distribution of what is due from the verb nemo apportion. She is responsible for the vicissitudes of mortal life and is associated with similar chthonic figures, the Moirai Fates and Erinyes Furies. [Source: The Hyperboreans and Nemesis in Pindars Tenth Pythian. by Christopher G. Brown. Phoenix, Vol. 46, No. 2 (Summer, 1992), pp. 95-107.] Nemesis parents are either Nyx (Night) alone, Erebos and Nyx, or Ocean and Tethys. [See The First Gods.] Sometimes Nemesis is the daughter of Dike. With Dike and Themis, Nemesis helps Zeus in the administration of justice. Bacchylides says the 4 Telkhines, Aktaios, Megalesios, Ormenos, and Lykos, are Nemesis children with Tartaros. She is sometimes considered the mother of Helen or of the Dioscuri, whom she hatched from an egg. Despite this, Nemesis is often treated as a virgin goddess. Sometimes Nemesis is similar to Aphrodite. Providence as a Successor to Nemesis, by Eugene S. McCartney (The Classical Weekly, Vol. 25, No. 6 (Nov. 16, 1931), p. 47) suggests that the Christian concept of Providence is a successor of Nemesis. Go to Other Ancient / Classical History Glossary pages beginning with the letter a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | wxyz Also Known As: Ikhnaià ª, Adrà ªsteia, Rhamnousia Common Misspellings: Nemisis Examples In the story of Narcissus, the goddess Nemesis is invoked to punish Narcissus for his frankly narcissistic behavior. Nemesis obliges by causing Narcissus to fall hopelessly in love with himself.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Disc leade Mod 11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Disc leade Mod 11 - Essay Example The assessment that has been an eye-opening of them all is the leadership trait questionnaire (LTQ). This is because it helped me determine my personal leadership traits, as I took the assessment and evaluated the score; I know have admirable leadership traits, even though previously, I was not certain on the same. In order to improve the organizations leadership and determine individuals that have leadership traits I can utilize the LTQ on my colleagues and followers in the firm (Rosch, 2007). Prior to introducing the assessment in the organization, I will conduct my personal research on the firm’s leadership structure and the traits of those in leadership. This research will give me an opportunity to determine the traits that need to be addressed, the strengths and weakness of my colleagues. I will then analyze these factors and start my assessment by asking my colleagues what they fill about varying leadership issues and the traits they believe a quality leader should have in order to help the firm attain its goals. In essence, I will be asking the questions contained in the LTQ and I will be ranking an individual’s response on the scale; at the long last I will evaluate my colleagues’ scores and thereby determine an individual that qualifies as a
Friday, November 1, 2019
Project Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1
Project Operations Management - Essay Example There are many definitions of the term operations management. According to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, operations management involves the aspect of design, product management, processing as well as management of the supply chain mechanism. The article on operations management also states that the term operations management encompasses a broad area that includes both strategic and tactical aspects of an organization. These include areas like layout, design, project management, sourcing, procurement etc as well as issues like quality control, monitoring and other aspects (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011). ‘Operations management is defined as a complete management of the entire activities of an organization that includes planning, co-ordination, handling and utilisation of resources in a manner that generates considerable competitive advantage for the organization. It also includes managing the quality and monitoring of the day to day routine activities of all the departments of the organizations so as to ensure optimum and efficient utilisation and management of resources’. As stated in the previous section operations management is a very broad term and includes an array of activities and their management. Operations management also assumes significance considering the fact that organizational excellence is directly related to operational expertise of an organization. Organizations like Wal-Mart and Toyota have their core competence based on operational aspects like cross docking and Total Quality Management (Shah, 2009, p.115). This calls for large scale responsibilities and efficiency on the part of the operations manager whose roles and responsibilities are listed below: The foremost direct responsibility of the operations manager involves a deeper understanding and analysis of the strategic objectives of the organization. This involves setting up a clear vision with
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