Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Production of Wine From Fruits and Value Addition
Production of Wine From Fruits and Value Addition Production of wine from fruits and value addition by blending medicinal plants Vinayaka B. Shet, Sagar S.D., Bollamma, M.N., Mary Teena J. Abstract: Wine is an alcoholic beverage typically made of fermented fruit juice. The fruits used in the study were Wild Grapes, Guava, Sapota, Fig, Pomegranate, Kokum, and blends of Guava with Kokum and Sapota with Ginger, Tulsi, Tinospora and Coleus aromaticus. The musts of the fruits were extracted, pasteurized and subjected to anaerobic fermentation by inoculating with baker’s yeast with an initial pH of 3.5- 4 and initial sugar concentration of 18-20ËÅ ¡Brix at room temperature. Then wine was subjected to malolactic fermentation using Oenococcus oeni. The residual concentration of all the samples was found to be less than 1g/L, fixed acidity in terms of tartaric acid equivalent was found to be in the range of 13.93g/L to 3.31g/L, radical scavenging activity in terms of ascorbic acid equivalent was found to be in the range 0.15-0.5mg/ml, percentage of alcohol was found to be in the range of 8.5-9.8%. Key words: Wine, Acidity, Residual sugar, alcohol 1. Introduction Wine is a popular drink being enjoyed all over the world. Historians believe that wine was being made in Caucasus and Mesopotamia as early as 6000 BC. Rig-Veda amply testifies that the wine is perhaps the oldest fermented product known to man. It has been made in India for as many as 5,000 years. In developing countries like India 20-30% of fruits produced are wasted due to lack of proper utilization, post-harvest and processing technology. By converting the waste into value added products like wine is a smart solution for this problem (Reddy et al., 2009). Wine is an alcoholic beverage typically made of fermented fruit juice. Any fruit with good proportion of sugar may be used in producing wine and the resultant wine is normally named after the fruit. The type of wine to be produced dictates the fruit and strain of yeast to be involved. Preservatives used in wine making include sulphur-dioxide potassium sorbate, sorbic acid and metabisulphides. Wine is one of the functional fermente d foods and has many health benefits. These include anti-ageing effects in red grape skins, improvement of lung function from antioxidants in white wine, reduction in coronary heart disease, development of healthier blood vessels in elderly people, reduction in ulcer-causing bacteria, destruction of cancer cells by protein present in red grape skins, prevention of stroke by keeping the arteries clean by polyphones in red grape skins, decreasing ovarian cancer risk in women and making the bones stronger. Epidemiological evidence has been provided showing that constituents in fruits are beneficial to human health and contribute to the prevention of degenerative processes caused by oxidative stress (Bansal et al., 2009). Fruits contain many different dietary phytonutrients with strong antioxidant capacities; such as: phenolics, which include flavonoids and phenolic acids; carotenoids; and vitamins. Dietary intake of plant phenolics are inversely related to coronary heart disease and ac t as anti-ulcer, antispasmodic, anti-secretory, or anti-diarrheal agents in the gastrointestinal tract. Certain flavonoids have been shown to inhibit the activity of free radical generating enzymes aldose reductase, which cause diabetic cataracts and tumor growth in modelled systems .The concentration of some minerals in wine is important due to health impact of minerals, their role in the stability of wine, possibility of toxicological risks and food regulations. The mineral profile of wines has also been proposed as a possible fingerprint that could be used to characterize wines based on their geographical origin (Bisson et al., 2002). Fruits like guava and pomegranate are easy to culture, possess high nutritive value and its products like juices, beverages nectars, etc. are largely appreciated by the consumers. Average energy contribution to total energy intake is estimated to be 10- 20% among adults. These fruits are difficult to keep for long and are utilized either as fresh or processed juice and specialty products. High rate wastage of these fruits necessitates the need for alternative preservation a post-harvest technologies. Evidences have shown how fruit consumption can play an important role in the prevention of many diseases linked to oxidative stress such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases. These biological activities have been mainly attributed to phenolic compounds, such as anthocyanins and elligitanins. In general fruit wines are processed in the same way as wine made from grapes and significant compositional changes take part during wine making. Likewise phenolic compounds are not only health promoti ng bioactivities but also greatly contribute to the sensory properties of stuff by alternating colour taste (Gurvinder et al.,2011).Fruit juices contain water and 20% carbohydrates, 1% organic acids and trace amounts of organic acids, phenolics, vitamins, minerals and nitrogenous compounds. The sugars, organic acids and phenolics give the juice its flavour, while the vitamins, minerals and nitrogenous compounds are, in many cases, essential to yeast growth and fermentation. Wine has a similar composition, but has much lower levels of sugar (none in dry wines), 8-13% alcohol and a greater range of minor components (Mena et al., 2012). 2. Materials and methods 2.1 Crushing All the glass wares, strainers and fruits were washed with 50ppm Potassium metabisulfite solutions (KMS). Crushing of the fruits was carried out by hands and pestle-mortar (where required). The fruit paste (must) along with the seeds and the skins was pasteurized at 70-80ËÅ ¡C for 15 minutes. After pasteurization, the must was filtered using strainers and 500ml of the juice was extracted (Ganjyal et al., 2005). 2.2 Blending medicinal plants To incorporate medicinal value, must was blended separately with Ginger, Tulsi, Tinospora and Coleus aromaticus. ( Shipra et al.,2012, Subir kumar et al., 2005,) 2.3 Estimation of initial sugar concentration Initial sugar was estimated for all the must using a hydrometer. Initial sugar was measured in terms of ËÅ ¡Brix. Final sugar concentration was adjusted to 18ËÅ ¡Brix. In order to bring the sugar concentration to the required value, table sugar was added to carry out chapitalization (Gurvinder et al.,2011). 2.4 Adjustment of initial pH The required pH for this procedure is approx. 3.5. Initial pHHhhhhHoinjn of the fruit juice was checked using a pH meter. If the pH was found to be above 3.5, it was adjusted by adding tartarate crystals (Oliveira et al., 2011). 2.5 Innoculum preparation After adjusting the sugar concentration and the pH, all the juices were kept for fermentation. For this 1g of yeast was added in 10 ml of distilled water for regeneration. This solution was acclimatized to the juice for 10 minutes and then it was added to the flask containing the juice. 2.6 Alcoholic batch fermentation To prevent contamination, 50ppm KMS was added to the fermentation apparatus. The mouth of the flask was fitted with a cork + U-shaped airlock assembly to maintain anaerobic condition. The airlock was half filled with KMS solution. The flask is fit with an airlock to prevent the entry of oxygen and to facilitate release of carbon dioxide and hence maintains the anaerobic condition. All the wine samples were kept at room temperature (25-30ËÅ ¡C) for batch fermentation. 2.7 Malolactic fermentation The culture of Oenococcus oeni was procured from NCIM, pune in freeze dried form. To each of the fermented wine samples, 0.1 ml of the culture was added and kept for malolactic fermentation for 7 days (Edwards et al., 1989). 2.8 Analytical methods Initial sugar concentration in terms of Brix was determined using hydrometer. The residual sugar concentration was estimated on daily basis using the DNSA method. Acidity of the wine was determined by titration method. The radical scavenging activity of the wine samples was calculated using DPPH assay. The percentage of ethanol present in the wine samples was estimated using GC. 3. Results and discussion 3.1 Estimation of initial sugar concentration Initial sugar concentration plays major role in fermentation and alcohol concentration. Soon after crushing fruits estimation of initial sugar concentration was done using a hydrometer. Then concentration was adjusted to 18 Brix by chapitalization. (Fig.1).The initial sugar concentration ( ºBrix) was found to be highest in sapota (15.2 ºBrix) and lowest in guava (1.3 ºBrix). The sugar concentrations were made up to approximately 18-20 ºBrix by adding table sugar. Fig. 1: Initial sugar concentration. 3.2 Estimation of residual sugar The residual concentration of all the samples was found to be less than 1g/L and hence there is no chance of contamination at the time of wine storage. (Fig.2) Shelf life will be more. 3.3 Estimation of acidity The fixed acidity in terms of tartaric acid equivalent was found to be highest in pomegranate (5.87g/L) and lowest in sapota and ginger (3.31g/L).(Fig.3) Fig.2: Residual sugar Fig.3:Acidity of the wine 3.4 Radical Scavenging Activity The radical scavenging activity of the wine samples was calculated using DPPH assay and was found to be as follows in terms of ascorbic acid equivalent. The radical scavenging activity for all the samples in terms of ascorbic acid equivalent was found to be in the range 0.15-0.5mg/ml. (Fig.4). Fig. 4 Radical scavenging activity 3.5 Ethanol Estimation The percentage of ethanol present in the wine samples was estimated using ceric ammonium nitrate reagent and the resulting percentage was obtained. The percentage of alcohol for all the wine samples was found to be in the range of 9.0-10.5%. The highest ethanol content is present in pomegranate. (Fig.5) 4. Conclusion After analyzing the wine that was produced from different fruits and blending combination it was found that the residual sugar concentration was less than 1g/L. The fixed acidity was maximum in Guava wine 5.87 g/L , Wild grapes showed the maximum radical scavenging activity, 0.496 mg/ml and the maximum ethanol content of 10.3% was found in pomegranate. The fixed acidity of most of the fruits was found to be less than 5.5g/L. Quality of the wine can be improved further to match market requireme Fig.5: % of ethanol in wine. References Bansal N, Soni R. and Soni S.K, 2009. Standardization of conditions for fermentation and maturation of wine from Amla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn), Natural Product Radiance. Vol. 8(4), pp.436-444. Bisson L.F0, 2002, â€Å"An Introduction to Wine Production, University of California, Davis. Edwards.G.C and Beelman, 1989,Inducing malolactic fermentation in wine, Vol. 7, pp. 336-360. Ganjyal G.M., Hanna N.A. and Devadattam .D.S.K., 2005, Processing of sapota, pp. 326-330, Journal of Food technology. Gurvinder S.K and Pooja, 2011, Status of wine production from guava (Psidium guajava L.): A traditional fruit of India†, African Journal of Food Science, Vol. 5 (16), pp. 851-860. Mena P., Vilaplana A.G., Martà N., Viguera G.C.,2012,â€Å"Pomegranate varietal wines: Phytochemical composition and quality parameters†,pp. 108-11. M.E.S Oliveira, Pantoja.L, et.al., 2011, Fruit wine produced from cagaita(Eugenia dysenterica DC) by both free and immomibilised yeast cell fermentation. Reddy V. L and Reddy V.S, 2009, Production, optimization and characterization of wine from Mango (Mangifera indica Linn.), Natural Product Radiance., Vol. 8(4), pp.426-435. Shipra Bhargava, Kshipra Dhabhai, Amla Batra, Asha Sharma and Bharti Malhotra, 2012, Zingiber Officinale : Chemical and phytochemical screening and evaluation of its antimicrobial activities, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 4(1), pp. 360-364. Subir kumar Das and Vasudevan D.M, 2005, â€Å"Tulsi the Indian Holy Power plant†, Natural Product Radiance. Vol. 5(4), pp.279-283.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Miss Emily and the Invisible Man Essays -- Literary Analysis, Faulkner
William Faulkner and Ralph Ellison com from two different back grounds. William Faulkner was a white man born into a family who was affluent and powerful. (DiYanni 78) Ralph Ellison was a black man born in the south. (DiYanni 341) Through their stories they share their views of the south at that time. Faulkner and Ellison had contrasting views on the south about how people with differences were treated and whether or not the south’s changes were positive, however they both view the changing south as inevitable. In Faulkner’s south people who are different are not punished but they are protected from the public embarrassment of their honor. In â€Å"A Rose for Emily†Colonel Sartoris forgives Miss Emily of the taxes she owes the city of Jefferson. Instead of telling Miss Emily the truth, because of her position in the town she out of honor would have had to turn the offer down, the narrator says â€Å"Not that Miss Emily would have accepted charity. Colonel Sartoris invented an involved tale to the effect that Miss Emily's father had loaned money to the town, which the town, as a matter of business, preferred this way of repaying.†(Faulkner 79) Another example of the townspeople protecting Miss Emily’s honor is when they smell a repulsive odor coming from Miss Emily’s house. The mayor Judge Stevens is hesitant to confront Miss Emily the issue at hand. When one of the Aldermen, from the young generation, suggests addressing her of the situation Judge Steven s says "Dammit, sir, will you accuse a lady to her face of smelling bad?" (Faulkner 80) The townspeople ultimately decide to sneak onto Miss Emily’s property so the can remove the stench from her house without insulting her honor. The most extreme case of the citizens of Jefferson prote... ... fell away and did not send their children to her with boxes of color and tedious brushes and pictures cut from the ladies' magazines.†(Faulkner 83) In Battle Royal there is a sense of the inevitable change in the south. That the Invisible Man will follow his grandfathers words. That he has become privy to the game the white man is playing with him. Both of these authors’ short stories cover the changing south. Both of their short stories give us a profound impact on the thinking of these two men when it comes to their views of the south. Coming from different backgrounds this gives the reader a good view of what the overall picture of the south looked like at the time. Faulkner and Ellis disagreed about how differences were handled in the south and whether the changing south was good or bad, but they both of them agreed that the south changing was unavoidable.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Why did the groups like the Beatles and the Rolling Stones have such a great impact during the 1960’s
The Beatles changed British Society. These changes were brought about by a band that made it very, very big. Popular music had gone through a revolution in the Late 1950's. People took advantage of the increased spending power of teenagers and bands like the Beatles produced lyrics in songs that people queued to buy. The music did not always change, just the same old brand new songs. The real breakthrough in music came in 1962 with an unlikely combination of individuals. John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr had been performing together for a number of years. There had been various other members of the band, but the group did not get very far. In 1962 the change came about under the guidance of Brian Epstein, who became their manager and then transformed them from a talented, but undistinguishable act, into the most famous pop group in history. Epstein made the Beatles wear suits with non-lapels and cut their hair into pudding basin style. In so doing this he invented the Beatle Jacket and the Beatle hairstyle. The Beatles unlike many British performers at the time, wrote and performed their own music, this meant that they were able to create a unique style, which was a mixture of rhythm and blues, rock and roll and Tamala Motown. It was this that marked the Beatles out from so many of the performers that came before them. The last key individual was George Martin, who arranged and recorded the Beatles tracks. He produced the quality that ensured that they became instantly and overwhelming successful. More than anybody else the Beatles came to represent the Sixties. As Aaron Copland, the American composer of classical music remarked, â€Å"If you want to know about the sixties, play the music of the Beatles†. The important point being made there was that the Beatles did write music with real lyrics that caught the imagination of teenagers around the world, both reflecting and shaping the culture of the decade. They were all just normal lads who were brought up in the streets of Liverpool. John Lennon was brought up in an upper working class family. John was born in Oxford Street Maternity on October 9th 1940. His Auntie brought him up, as his father had disappeared. Four month's earlier Richard Starkey was born at 9 Madryn Street, Dingle in Liverpool. Richard was brought up in a lower working class. Early on in his life his mum and dad split up. Nearly a year later Paul McCartney is born in Walton Hospital, Rice Lane in Liverpool on the 18th June and he was brought up in a solid working class family. Paul then starts at Stockton Wood Primary. The baby of the group was finally born on the 24th February 1943 at 12 Arnold Grove, Wavertree in Liverpool. George Harrison starts at Liverpool institute. John Lennon was the smartest member of the group as a kid and could do anything he chose. All the band members were influenced as children, as each member were bought instruments; this meant homegrown talent was going to put Liverpool on the map. The influence of the Beatles went far beyond the music that they wrote and performed. Their clothes, hair, their accents, their offhand attitudes seemed to sum up the new age of the sixties. They seemed at first at least, just like the chap next door. Suddenly it became completely respectable to have an accent that did not come from the home county. For the first time ever, it came was fashionable to sound as if you came from Liverpool, or Newcastle or even Birmingham. The revolution became even more remarkable, after the Beatles came the ‘Mersey Sound', ‘Freddie and the Dreamers', ‘The Mersey Beats' and; ‘Gerry and the Pacemakers'. Brian Epstein successfully managed all of these bands. Then from Manchester there were the ‘Searchers' and the ‘Animals' from Newcastle. They all had number one hits with some easy going songs and some sung with real feeling. The impact of the Beatles upon teenagers was unbelievable. They were not just performers they became heroes. Soon the press followed on to this enormous fuss over the Beatles and made the phrase that the fans were involved in Beatlemania. They represented the victory of youth over old age, of new against old. They were the sixties. A few girls went to the Beatles concert in Cheltenham and they got us screaming. I don't remember much about the concert, just the noise Teenagers were influenced by lyrics, which started to change their way of thinking and the message changed. Every young person in the country wanted to be the Beatles, they were idolised were ever they went. Manufacturers soon realised the potential of the teenage market. The Beatles faces were plastered all over magazines. If the Beatles encouraged drugs, kids would follow, the Beatles lyrics were very powerful. For example the song lyrics in the song ‘Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds' openly suggested the use of LSD. The mischievous four of the sixties became the dope-smoking lads of 1965, and then the four took LSD in 1966-67 then even worse they took heroin in 1969. The Beatles themselves started to change dramatically. The clean-cut, cheerful boys of 1963 followed the weird and wonderful Maharishi, an Indian guru. They began to dress in psychedelic clothing, take drugs and adopt a more and more outlandish pose. The Beatles then really challenged family values. Innocent songs describing teenage love were replaced by peace anthems such as ‘All I Need Is Love' or drug influenced tracks like ‘Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds'. Worse still, in the eyes of some people, were the groups that followed them. The Rolling Stones started out as Beatles look-alikes, but soon developed a completely different style. Their lyrics were far more suggestive and the behaviour of the five grabbed a great deal of attention. Jagger and Richards were arrested for the possession of Marijuana- a response from the establishment that led even the times to describe it as ‘a butterfly being crushed under a wheel' Wider social changes were taking place. TV and Radio began broadcasting non-stop music. These were extremely popular with teenagers. Radio Caroline and Radio London had enormous following, as other radio stations didn't play much music. They set the scene for the radio stations that were to come. They were designed to appeal directly to young people. Television reacted more quickly to the changing styles of music. This was largely because it was a newer form of broadcasting and so was more ready to change. ITV began to broadcast ‘Ready Steady Go' and the BBC started ‘Top Of The Pops'. Both were overnight success stories and these accounts finally showed popular music. If some aspects of the sixties appeared to challenge society and existing ideas, the hippie movement seemed to reject it altogether. Some people took the movement very seriously. Others tried to balance the hippie movement with other commitments, but most simply rejected it altogether. To many people the most worrying aspect of the hippie movement was the way that its followers seemed to abandon responsibility. The emphasis on ‘Love and Peace', while harmless enough in many ways, came at the time when the west was being challenged by the Soviet Union. Not only did hippies appear to reject all forms of confrontation, but their behaviour suggested a weakening of society and the family in particular. In conclusion the impact of music in Britain changed the way we live today. The sixties took spending to a new level. Consumer goods became increasingly popular; this was mainly influenced by bands like the Beatles, who had their snapshot all over clothes to magazines. Lyrics had changed dramatically, and also the message had changed. Bands such as the Beatles promoted world peace. The Beatles helped boom Britain and this helped Britain to become a major force in pop music. I think the Beatles ended a new paragraph in British pop music.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Managers Should Do Everything They Can To Enhance The Job...
Introduction The notion that employee job satisfaction should be a top priority for managers has been one of much debate. Although managers have many roles in organizations, their most important purpose is to manage their organizations in a way that can maximize profits. Thus, investing time, effort and money in ensuring that employees are satisfied in only worthwhile if it results in higher productivity and profitability for the firm. Early theorist analyzed that increased profitability should increase with an increase in job satisfaction while later studies emerged to refute the existence of any significant relationship between the two variables. However, various literatures has more recently emerged drawing attention to the†¦show more content†¦Visit coursework bf in bf fo bf for bf more coursework bf Do bf not bf redistribute Early theorists such as Likert, Mayo, and McGregor theorized that employee satisfaction is related to organizational performance. The common sense logic of this relationship can be explained by viewing the job satisfaction - performance relationship as a social exchange in which employees that are accorded some manner of social gift would experience satisfaction and feel an obligation to reciprocate perhaps in the form of increased productivity(Organ). On the flip side of this relationship, it is predicted that dissatisfied workers would be less willing than satisfied workers to give their service whole heartedly to their organization and produce up to their maximum potential, but instead have a tendency work at a minimum acceptable level. Over the last 40 or so years however, the job satisfaction - performance relationship has come under attack due to its failure to produce strong and unambiguous results in favor of any appreciable relationship between high productivity and job satisfaction. The conflict arises due to the fact that there is no agree upon definition for productivity. Whereas critics use the traditional definition of productivity, supporters of the performance-job satisfaction model encompass citizen behavior in the definition of performance which also denotes helpful, constructive gesturesShow MoreRelatedEmployee Satisfaction1221 Words  | 5 Pagessubject matter of this case involves the job satisfaction and employee engagement of a spa company’s workforce called Bella. The case depicts a new general manager Kris Jenkins’s concern that Bella’s numbers had deteriorated dramatically in the past year. Profits were down; absenteeism was up; turnover, while not dramatic, was higher than it had been in the past five years. This report shows how important the employee engagement to bring job satisfaction which overall leads a company with a lessRead MoreEthics : The Inner Guiding Moral Principles, Values, And Beliefs790 Words  | 4 Pagesinterpret a situation and then decide what is the right or appropriate way to behave†. 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