Friday, January 3, 2020

Managers Should Do Everything They Can To Enhance The Job...

Introduction The notion that employee job satisfaction should be a top priority for managers has been one of much debate. Although managers have many roles in organizations, their most important purpose is to manage their organizations in a way that can maximize profits. Thus, investing time, effort and money in ensuring that employees are satisfied in only worthwhile if it results in higher productivity and profitability for the firm. Early theorist analyzed that increased profitability should increase with an increase in job satisfaction while later studies emerged to refute the existence of any significant relationship between the two variables. However, various literatures has more recently emerged drawing attention to the†¦show more content†¦Visit coursework bf in bf fo bf for bf more coursework bf Do bf not bf redistribute Early theorists such as Likert, Mayo, and McGregor theorized that employee satisfaction is related to organizational performance. The common sense logic of this relationship can be explained by viewing the job satisfaction - performance relationship as a social exchange in which employees that are accorded some manner of social gift would experience satisfaction and feel an obligation to reciprocate perhaps in the form of increased productivity(Organ). On the flip side of this relationship, it is predicted that dissatisfied workers would be less willing than satisfied workers to give their service whole heartedly to their organization and produce up to their maximum potential, but instead have a tendency work at a minimum acceptable level. Over the last 40 or so years however, the job satisfaction - performance relationship has come under attack due to its failure to produce strong and unambiguous results in favor of any appreciable relationship between high productivity and job satisfaction. The conflict arises due to the fact that there is no agree upon definition for productivity. Whereas critics use the traditional definition of productivity, supporters of the performance-job satisfaction model encompass citizen behavior in the definition of performance which also denotes helpful, constructive gesturesShow MoreRelatedEmployee Satisfaction1221 Words   |  5 Pagessubject matter of this case involves the job satisfaction and employee engagement of a spa company’s workforce called Bella. The case depicts a new general manager Kris Jenkins’s concern that Bella’s numbers had deteriorated dramatically in the past year. Profits were down; absenteeism was up; turnover, while not dramatic, was higher than it had been in the past five years. This report shows how important the employee engagement to bring job satisfaction which overall leads a company with a lessRead MoreEthics : The Inner Guiding Moral Principles, Values, And Beliefs790 Words   |  4 Pagesinterpret a situation and then decide what is the right or appropriate way to behave† . 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Finding of new research introduce a model that establishes the four basic emotional need people exhibit; they are the drive to acquire, bond, comprehend and defend. Also it exhort organizations take an holistic approach to satisfy employee’s emotional needs through its reward system, culture, management systems, and design of jobs. The potential benefitRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs864 Words   |  4 Pagesof the most important tools in today’s workplace. Managers use motivation to inspire and influence people to work, both independently and team-wise, to produce the most efficient and effective results and productivity. They want to inspire employees to work to ward organization’s goals. Moreover, in order to have an impact on employees, managers need to identify and understand what factors drive their employees. Some questions that manager should ask include: What kind of work environment will motivate

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