Friday, February 21, 2020

Social justice toolbox Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social justice toolbox - Research Paper Example Justice can be described as giving to everybody what he or she is due. The trouble is with knowing what is due. It is a set of worldwide principles that guide and direct people in judging what is right and what is wrong, no matter what society or culture in which they live in. Social justice covers economic justice. Social justice is a fundamental principle for prosperous and peaceful coexistence among and within nations. Social justice should be upheld by promoting the rights of migrants and indigenous peoples or gender equality. We can only progress towards social justice when we eliminate barriers that people face due to disability, culture, religion, ethnicity, race or age. It should be a global mission to pursuit social justice for all and promote human dignity and development (Www.cesj.Org). My vision for social justice in U.S. is to attain social justice and a more equitable and sustainable future, and for developments and promotion of human dignity. One tactic that can be used to attain sustainability would be to build markets that do better jobs of conveying and spreading the gains and benefits of development. This would mean meeting the growing demands of consumers for greener services and products. It also means laying the foundations for opportunity, stability and dignity for all. As we strive to make these transformations towards social justice, we must incorporate the inclusion of social aspects into our policies. We have to focus on guaranteeing fair outcomes for all through rights at work, fundamental principles, social dialogue, social protection and employment. We should put more emphasis on the World Day of Social Justice, which is on the 20th of February. This will be one of the ways of making everybody that social justice is a fundamental right of every human being, not only in U.S., but in the world at large. Member states should

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